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Innersloth Content Policy & IP Guidelines For Fans and Unlicensed Creators

One of our favorite things in the world is seeing the fan art/works people have made about Among Us. Thank you! Please keep drawing, animating, crafting, or whatever else and sharing it with us. We love your creativity and want to encourage that. However, if you are planning onselling your work, there are some additional things you’ll need to consider! 

Here’s a comprehensive guide for if you plan to use Among Us characters, names, sayings, scenes, stories, logos, or artwork (collectively known as “Among Us IP”). Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in consequences for you and your work! Whether it’s for personal use, small batch sales, educational purposes, streaming, or more, we hope these points answer your questions.

Please review these guidelines entirely before reaching out regarding licensing opportunities!

Whatis not allowed?

In short, we request that our fans abide by the following restrictions:

    1. Don’t mass-produce or distribute any fan content that utilizes the Among Us IP. In this case, mass production will be dictated as a total of 100 units or more ordered through a manufacturer. A manufacturer is defined as outsourcing production development to hands outside your own.
    2. Don’t use the Among Us IP in a way that is offensive, grotesque, racist, sexist, vulgar, disparaging, or defamatory.
    3. Don’t state or suggest that your fan work is official, licensed, or otherwise authorized by Innersloth (you can use the disclaimers provided below in most situations).
    4. Don’t use the Among Us IP in connection with third-party IP. We have a lot of respect for other creators and we hold our fans to the same standard.
    5. Don’t distribute work that is not your own fan work – for example, please don’t distribute or sell direct copies of the Among Us IP itself.
    6. Don’t run Kickstarters, Indiegogos, or other crowdfunded payment options to create merchandise based on the Among Us IP, even if it is under the 100-unit order quantity.
    7.  Don’t create NFTs (non-fungible tokens) or cryptocurrencies of Among Us IP.
    8. Do not use the Among Us IP to depict religious or political imagery. This includes depictions of religious or political figures, emblems, logos, or any other associated iconography.

1. Non-Commercial Use

You may use the Among Us IP for personal, non-commercial (not-for-profit) purposes! This would be like posting fan art on Twitter, making a small batch of customized T-shirts for a private event, or having an Among Us-themed birthday party.

NOTE: Innersloth will not issue licenses for personal, non-commercial use of the Among Us IP.

Examples – Permitted Non-Commercial Use

  • Posting fanart on social media featuring Among Us characters with the caption “Check out this fanart I did of me and my friends as crewmates from the game Among Us!”
  • Making a small batch of T-shirts for a personal event featuring the Among Us IP

Examples – Non-Permitted Non-Commercial Use

  • Posting fanart which implies or otherwise states that the work is associated with or officially licensed by Innersloth (for example, putting the official Among Us logo in the center of your work or writing something vague such as “Among Us by Innersloth” as the caption)
  • Using the Among Us IP, including logos and fonts, in a way that makes it confusing to fans as to whether your work is officially licensed or not
  • Selling prints, t-shirts, or any materials featuring the Among Us IP on a large-scale basis
  • Using the Among Us IP in a manner that is offensive, vulgar, defamatory, violent, or are otherwise deemed to be inappropriate and damaging to the Among Us IP. This includes, but is not limited to, materials that are racist, sexist, or those that could cause harm to another person.
  • Using the Among Us IP to depict religious or political imagery and iconography.

2. Educational Use/Teaching

Teachers may integrate the Among Us IP in educational materials for small group classes and team-building activities, but we ask that you refrain from widespread distribution or sale of these materials.

NOTE: Innersloth will not issue licenses for educational use of the Among Us IP.

Examples – Permitted Educational/Teaching Use

  • Creating and playing an interactive game with your class based on Among Us IP
  • Using Among Us IP in an interactive slideshow or school-wide program
  • Sharing the materials provided above with fellow teachers at your school (at no charge)

Examples – Non-Permitted Educational/Teaching Use

  • Distributing or selling educational materials, including but not limited to games, stories, and slideshows
  • Hosting a website or storefront whereon you distribute (for free or for purchase) educational materials containing the Among Us IP
  • Using the Among Us IP in educational materials to depict religious or political imagery and iconography.

3. Small Batch Sales – Locally/In-Person

You may sell physical versions of fan work locally, in limited production, so long as the works arenot produced, printed, or created in a mass-quantities.

NOTE: Innersloth will not issue licenses to allow the small batch, local sale of products featuring the Among Us IP.

Examples – Permitted Small Batch Sales – Locally/In-Person

  • Selling hand-made clay figurines of Among Us characters at a local craft fair
  • Selling a limited quantity of original, fan-made artwork at a convention
  • Selling a few hand-made crochet dolls of Among Us characters
  • Creating unique, commission-based art (i.e. “adoptables”)

Examples – Non-Permitted Small Batch Sales – Locally/In-Person

  • Printing and selling hundreds of T-Shirts featuring Among Us characters (even if the printing is done at home on your fancy printing press)
  • Ordering a batch of unlicensed “Among Us” plushies from a third-party distributor and re-selling them
  • Manufacturing and distributing unlicensed “Among Us” plushies in bulk
  • Selling products in a way that implies that implies association, sponsorship, or official affiliation with Innersloth
  • Selling items that depict religious or political imagery or iconography using the Among Us IP.

4. Small Batch Sales – Online

You may sell handmade fan works which incorporate the Among Us IP online if you run your own storefront (on Etsy, Shopify, etc.). Fan works must only be sold in alimited quantity and must be hand-crafted and otherwise created with minimal third-party involvement (for example, items with manufacturer or other professional assistance).

Even if you have your own storefront and create your own products, we donot permit the sale of:

  • Merchandise featuring the Among Us IP in large quantities;
  • Items featuring the Among Us IP on dropship websites where products are created, printed, and/or shipped from a third-party distributor;
  • Damaging, malicious, or misleading ports, clones, or mods which utilize the Among Us IP; or
  • 3-D models related to the Among Us IP.

If you are selling small batch items online, please include the following disclaimer in a clear and visible area on the sale page:

This product is not affiliated with Among Us or Innersloth LLC and is not endorsed otherwise sponsored by Innersloth LLC. Portions of the materials contained herein are property of Innersloth LLC. © Innersloth LLC.

NOTE: Innersloth will not issue licenses for the small batch, online sale of products featuring the Among Us IP.

Examples – Permitted Small Batch Sales – Online

  • Selling hand-made clay figurines of Among Us characters on your Etsy store (with an appropriate disclaimer)
  • Selling a limited quantity of original, fan-made artwork on your personal website (with an appropriate disclaimer)
  • Selling a few hand-made crochet dolls of Among Us characters on your Etsy store (with an appropriate disclaimer)
  • Contacting a manufacturer/printer to produce a  one-time, limited run of no more than 50 units  an enamel pin, charm or similar items.

Examples – Non-Permitted Small Batch Sales – Online

  • Uploading and selling products featuring the Among Us IP on a dropship site such as Redbubble or Teepublic
  • Contacting a manufacturer to create products featuring the Among Us IP in bulk, and selling it online
  • Selling downloadable files including the Among Us IP (3-D printing files, music files, assets, logos, etc.)
  • Selling any small batch items incorporating the Among Us IP without the appropriate disclaimer
  • Selling small batch items that depict religious or political imagery and iconography using the Among Us IP.

5. Streaming, Fan Games, and Entertainment

We take pride in our community and we love to see our fans playing and streaming games of Among Us. We absolutely encourage streamers and creators alike to have fun with Among Us and the Among Us IP.  That being said, please do not use the Among Us IP in advertising or marketing materials related to your stream, as an integration on your Twitch channel, or in connection with related entertainment services. For complete details on our broadcasting policy, please read ourTerms of Use: Section 8

Please check outModding Policy if you are looking for information about fan games and game mods

 NOTE: Innersloth is not currently accepting licensing requests as it pertains to the distribution or creation of ports, mods, or sequels to Among Us. Innersloth will not issue licenses for the streaming or distribution of Among Us gameplay video content.

Examples – Permitted use of the Among Us IP – Streaming, Fan Games, and Entertainment

  • Streaming Among Us with your friends on Twitch, YouTube, and any other streaming platform
  • Uploading Among Us gameplay videos to YouTube or Twitch (VODs)
  • Personal emotes that you have drawn yourself or commissioned someone to make exclusively for you

Examples – Non-Permitted use of the Among Us IP – Streaming, Fan Games, and Entertainment

  • Integrating the Among Us IP, including character images and in-game content, into your marketing materials, social media materials, or streaming materials/overlays
  • Selling overlays, emote packs, alerts, or other materials using the Among Us IP for wide distribution
  • Using the Among Us IP to distribute malicious software or content
  • Using the Among Us IP to depict religious or political imagery and iconography on stream. This includes marketing materials, social media materials, and streaming materials/overlays.

While we try to be as exhaustive as possible in providing these guidelines, this is a general guide and may not be applicable to every situation. Due to the large interest in our IP, we are currently catching up on emails. If you are still unclear about how you can use our IP or if you would like to request more information about licensing for any purpose, we ask that you wait before attempting to contact us. This page will be updated with contact information.


These guidelines do not, in any way, constitute grant of any proprietary rights or licenses as it pertains to use of Among Us IP. Innersloth and its affiliates reserve the right to issue a formal takedown request for any content that infringes Innersloth’s intellectual property rights. Innersloth further reserves the right to stop or restrict your use of our IP at any time. Innersloth may modify these guidelines at any time without notice.